Well, 2012 is drawing to an end and I think my wildlife watching account has now closed for the year. At some point in the first week of 2013 it will resume and I'll be participating in the Foot It birding by foot challenge over the month of January. I have set a target of 65 species which I think is a realistic target - we'll just have to see.
Sunday, 30 December 2012
2012: The year of the aquatic mammal?
Well, 2012 is drawing to an end and I think my wildlife watching account has now closed for the year. At some point in the first week of 2013 it will resume and I'll be participating in the Foot It birding by foot challenge over the month of January. I have set a target of 65 species which I think is a realistic target - we'll just have to see.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Bunch of finches
Thought that it was about time I put some seed out for the birds last Friday. Already the finch numbers have risen from approximately zero to 2 Brambling, 4 Greenfinch, 6 Goldfinch, 2 Bullfinch and about 15 Chaffinch. Not a bad return so far... I was particularly pleased with the Bramblings which only visited fleetingly last winter but were both feeding on the sunflower hearts today.
The photo is of very poor quality but just about shows both Bramblings on the right of this group of Chaffinches.
The photo is of very poor quality but just about shows both Bramblings on the right of this group of Chaffinches.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Gulls in stormy weather
The surf was really up as these Black-headed Gulls dodged the spray at Skateraw last Saturday. Next day it wasn't just the waves pounding - I had slipped a disc and the remainder of the week has been somewhat of a blur. Only today as the pain was subsiding did I remember this dark tailed first winter Common Gull from the same day. I don't think that is a particularly frequent plumage type - I'm hoping for one with a heavily barred rump as well and a nice short bill - i.e. the US species/subspecies Mew Gull...
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Feather weather
A lovely sunny spell on Sunday provided just the right conditions for some feather maintenance for this Blue Tit and Goldfinch.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Gadwall, Figgate Park
Pleased to see the Gadwalls still at Figgate Park on Sunday. The 3 males have now been joined by a female - its white speculum giving the game away as it fed. The two males below were keeping a close eye on it and each other. The other male seemed more interested in the possibility of bread! So, 4 Gadwalls in total - probably the most that I have seen in Lothian for a few years and not a species of wildfowl I would normally associate with an urban park pond.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
December Chiffchaff in the Figgate Park
I don't often see Chiffchaffs in the winter months up here in Edinburgh and when I do I am always hoping for a Siberian Chiffchaff rather than a Common Chiffchaff. Today's bird at Figgate Park did not call, but looks spot on for a Common. Despite a hint of a wingbar, the olive and yellow tones in the plumage combined with the bespectacled look and lack of jet black bare parts all combine to give the familiar look of the regular form. Wonder where this bird is from - a local breeder or a Continental bird?... Wherever it was an energetic little sprite rarely still for more than a second.
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Herring x Lesser Black Backed Gull Hybrid?
After wrongly considering Herring x LBBG hybrid (argentatus x fuscus) for a darker Herring Gull a couple of weeks ago I had a much more persuasive bird today at Athelstaneford. I was out looking for gulls and found a few hundred behind the plough in the village that allowed long and good looks. An hour in and nothing other than usual fare, which was enjoyable enough, but just when I was thinking of moving on the plough went home for lunch and this bird dropped in. Presumably the same bird that Stephen saw in the area earlier in the year, I was quite hopeful of a Yellow-legged Gull until I saw the spread wing.
No dark subterminal band on Primary 5 means that YLG is out and YLG hybrid unlikely. Instead the bird looks like a perfect hybrid to me - spot on for the amusingly colour-ringed 'blue KRAP' from Zeebrugge that featured in BB recently. Comments welcome...
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Laughing Gull, Cape Cod
I have (temporarily, I hope) lost pretty much all of my jpegs after a back up error - I didn't back up but copied, deleted, and dropped the portable disk - doh... So, the only shots pre-October are the ones that were on cards lurking around the house... like these lovely Laughing Gulls photographed on a whale watching trip off Cape Cod in the summer. Seems a long time ago now. I have only seen one of these this side of the Atlantic and that really was a long time ago - the bird that hung around a hospital roof in (?) Newcastle in the 1980s... Anyone else see that?
This is now the 17th species of gull to feature on my blog - if I recover my disk I'll post the Heerman's Gull pics that never made it on to here...
Monday, 3 December 2012
More otter shots
This interaction was easily the highlight of my weekend - a Black-headed Gull swooping in to see whether an otter at Duddingston Loch had left it any fish scraps. The answer seemed to be no...
While this was an exceptionally prolonged view of an otter in Edinburgh, it wasn't the best view of an otter that I have had this year. Here is another shot from that encounter on Berneray during the spring. I am now very glad that I took this iphone shot of my imac screen to text to a mate - as I have since lost the original jpeg on a crashed disk :(. That is a scorpion fish by the way.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
More Edinburgh mammals...
I dropped by Duddingston Loch this morning to see if yesterday's otters were putting on their show again. Nothing doing on that front but I did stop en route when I saw this red fox sunning itself in a field near to Craigmillar Castle. It did not seem to enjoy the photoshoot as much as me and slunk off around the hill. A careful approach of the next field using a wall as cover allowed me to watch it hunting in the frosty grass for half an hour. Whilst watching it I became aware that there were three roe deer browsing in the background. Not a bad safari for a city...
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Otters and Black-headed Gulls at Duddingston Loch
Watched a couple of otters fishing in Duddingston Loch this morning. One
was in view for several hours - which was fantastic - especially since
these were my first Lothian otters! This one caught a decent sized fish
(any ideas?) and that brought the gulls in hoping for scraps.