After bemoaning the lack of cooperation of carduelid finches this week, I was treated to prolonged close views of a swarm of stunning Eurasian Siskins today. With a strong sun on a fresh snowfall I headed for the Hermitage of Braid this morning. I had seen a large flock of siskins earlier in the week in the young alder trees planted as part of the urban forest project. Hoping to find some redpolls in the area, instead I ended up surrounded by literally hundreds of beautiful siskins.
See previous post to see what happened next to the bird below?
There were plenty of other birds around and I was pleased to add White-throated Dipper and Eurasian Woodcock to the year list at the Hermitage. No sign of the Common Snipe in their usual area, nor of the Water Rail that turned up in the same spot this time last year.
Birdlife around the house was also noteworthy today with at least 13 Brambing in amongst the House Sparrows and Greenfinches first thing this morning until flushed by a Sparrowhawk. Later on a couple of Bohemian Waxwings dropped in to the back garden. This was thoughtful of them as that's a species that can easily become a gap in the yearlist as the year moves on...
Logging these Siskins for atlas, current max for NT26 is 90 in NT26Z. I'm taking a guess at 300, might that be reasonable, from your memory?