Saw this hybrid
Canada Goose x Greylag Goose at Dunsapie Loch today so I thought I would post the photos here. Looks similar, but maybe not identical, to a bird seen recently by SW (see
Sedge Warbler blog). It seemed to be part of a definite pair with the
Canada Goose in the picture, so maybe there will be some even odder-looking birds around next year. I suppose that could depend on how fertile this interspecific individual is...
"Imagine that, that bird's parents were two different species", I said to my youngest. In return I received a pitying look that said "I know the feeling..."
I saw a hybrid almost identical to this bird on the local lake in the past couple of weeks. I seem to remember that the bird I saw was a bit lighter in the body, but otherwise almost identical. I remember commenting in my blog. Cheers