Sunday, 18 December 2011

Another first winter Iceland Gull at Alnwickhill

I was grilling the Common Gulls at Alnwickhill this morning trying to re-find yesterday's rosy individual when a 'white-winger' caught my eye. Well, I have never managed to see very many Iceland Gulls, so I was really delighted when the white shape turned into the second 1st winter Iceland Gull for Alnwickhill this year.

Today's bird was distinctly darker and greyer than the March bird. In particular its flight feathers seemed to have a greyish wash across them and dark subterminal markings. I could not detect any real contrast between the outer primaries and the inner primaries so I do not think that Kumlien's Gull is a real possibility, but nevertheless it is not the most straightforward glaucoides Iceland Gull either. That said, the strong light this morning was playing havoc with both my camera's and my eyes' abilities to resolve subtle shades. Not that I am complaining that the sun is out in December of course...


  1. Get in!! Makes all the hours worthwhile.

  2. Cheers, PBW! I always have that nagging feeling that I should be birding somewhere other than Alnwickhill, but the last couple of months have been decent (if gulls are your thing that is). Geoff
