Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Lesser Black-backed Gull 1/1/12 at Alnwickhill

This Lesser Black-backed Gull has been dropping in to Alnwickhill this winter so I was pleased to get it on my year list on the 1st. Increasingly seen in winter in Lothian, possibly as a result of climate change, this is the first one I have seen in winter locally.

The weather has certainly been extremely windy recently, another feature of climate change perhaps. I was cursing the strengthening wind yesterday as the vibration of my scope prevented a clear digiscope shot of this (Nowegian?) colour-ringed Common Gull. At least two colour-ringed Common Gulls were at the site yesterday (the rings were on different legs - does this mean ringed as an adult or pullus, I wonder?). Once again, no codes were read successfully - even after altering the levels etc below - the Common Gulls tend to roost at the far side of the site.


  1. Visited your patch twice on Hogmanay to look for the Iceland - maximum respect for your efforts is all I'm saying!
    As you say, the Common Gulls were all sitting about as far away as they could - pity the place can't be viewed from another angle. Kris suggested I try the fields down the road - a good few Commons there if only the ringed ones would co-operate?

  2. Hi Stuart - you are right - it is sheer madness and maddening as well to watch Alnwickhill regularly. The stress of peering at unreadable Common Gull colour rings (another yesterday!) made me head for Nimmo's Pier, although even at point blank range I am not sure of the identity of these glaucoides gulls...
