This bird seemed very relaxed for a Water Pipit - it certainly did not disappear over the horizon as soon as it was spotted, which is a trait that often seems to come to the fore with this species.

Here are some shots of (possibly the same?) Water Pipit at Barns Ness on 31 March last year... Very poor shots, but some indication of how much the plumage will change in the next few months.
Interesting to see the head starting to show tinge of grey - hope it stays until full breeding plumage appears as I have only ever seen very worn breeding plumage in Austria.
Interesting still probably two there. Being SBRC to get two accepted we will probably need photos which prove this, managed to find sufficient for 2009 and 2010 birds where one much darker individual occasionally seen, but the variability of same individual by different photographers on same day could also be quite dramatic. Any assistance with proving there are two would be appreciated, no-one submitted any records in 2010 despite a great number of reports so it fell to me to document for SBRC - and I'm still looking for my first Scottish Wapit!
Yes, I didn't really notice that in the field.
I have added a couple of shots of (the same?) bird on 31 March last year... Cracking plumage but shocking shots!
I only had one bird in view at any one moment but was pretty sure I had two. No photos of the second bird as it was distant on shore and then overhead, Won't get out that way for a few weeks but I'll try and get some shots.
I'll try and get my 2011 records to you asap - now where is that notebook...
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